Face-up suspension

(aomukezuri, 仰向け吊り)

The aomukezuri is one of the more comfortable suspensions. It is based on a tasuki gote (襷後手) and offers easy transition from face-up to inverted position.

Once a simple rope corset is added and each leg is lifted we will employ our spirit level to simulate levitation like a magician on the cruise ship. Step aside to provide for your rope partner's self-expression.

Now transition to inverted suspension by first fixing each ankle to the suspension point, then slowly releasing the chest suspension line. Your partner’s entire weight will now be held by the corset contraption. The ankles are tied just for balance and can now be released.

It is time again for some graceful aerial dancing while the nawashi (縄師) allows space for the rope partner to express herself.

Also in this course:

As a special treat this course also features the very beautiful cat's cradle (ayatorinawa, 綾取り縄) tie which in its complexity will be a welome addition to any rigger's bag of tricks.

Also featured is the iconic hojo-hishinawa (捕縄菱縄) tie. Again, due to its complexity, it will add a new level of skills and be a valuable addition to your tying experience.

Teaser Clip


The image shows the inverted suspension after transitioning from the levitating assistant position.

After practicing this progression well any cruise ship will hire you as magician on the spot.



If skillfully executed the cat's cradle tie offers a beautiful pattern to learn and to look at.



This is a hojojutsu-inspired tie for diamond lovers. It contains several technical rope aspects that will elevate your kinbaku skills to the next level.
