Discover the intricacies of the rather complicated hojo-hishinawa (捕縄菱縄) tie that is taking a leaf out of traditional hojojutsu (捕縄術) prisoner ties from the good old samurai days.

(See photo on the left.)

This is followed by a front 'strappado' aka armflute (maete ippon shibari, 前手壱本縛り) and a 'real' strappado (gote ippon shibari, 後手壱本縛り). In both versions, the backs of the hands are facing each other.

(See photo on the right.)

As a special highlight, we then learn all about the hibari gote (雲雀後手) that was developed by grandmaster Yagami Ren (鵺神蓮) sensei.

(See photo on the left.)

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