What Awaits You Inside
Connective-style floorwork is called newaza (寝技), while non-connective floorwork is called yukawaza (床技), and tying on the bed or futon (布団) is called tokonawa (床縄).
In newaza the ukete-san (受け手さん, bondage receiver) usually starts seated on her knees in seiza (正座) position, while the shibarite (縛り手, bondage giver) usually starts cross-legged (胡座, agura). It kind of breaks the ice when shibarite (nawashi, bakushi, rigger) manages to 'break' the rigid seiza position into kuzushi seiza (崩し正座). There are various ways to achieve this, and with a little practice can be done smoothly.
In this course we also learn how to tie the Osada-ryu 2-rope takatekote (高手小手) or 2TK for short.
We also learn about the sensual power of one-rope tying techniques (一本縄縛り, ipponnawa shibari).
The Curriculum
90 minutes
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