The Nine Gates of Osada-ryu
長田流 九つの門
This workshop will give you a glimpse into the precepts of Osada-ryu that will help you elevate your kinbaku to the next level.
To get a more in-depth idea what the Nine Gates hold in store you can book a live workshop with one of the licensed Osada-ryu instructors. Such workshops usually take two days of six hours of intensive study each. Once you understand the concept(s) give it a few years of incubation time.
Single-rope Play Techniques (ipponnawa)
Shibari, kinbaku, or rope play are much more than just fancy suspension work.
To connect with your rope partner on a deeply emotional level focus on your ukete-san (受け手さん, the one receiving your administrations) with one rope -- and one rope only!
Such communicative play can easily last for an hour or more.
Enjoy watching the play session of this workshop.
Inspire each other to explore the depths of your souls deeper and deeper.
The "End of the Rope" -- Nawajiri
"Nawajiri" (縄尻) is Yukimura speak for "end of the rope".
In Yukimura-ryu (雪村流) this "working end" is handled consciously and deliberately in such a way that by varying the tension and vibration in the rope you will get a string telephone (ito denwa, 糸電話) effect helping you maintain a "conversation" with your rope partner. Shiri (尻) is Japanese for butt. If shiri is preceded by nawa (rope, 縄) it is pronounced jiri.
The bight of the rope is called nawagashira (縄頭). Kashira (頭) is Japanese for head. If it is preceded by nawa it is pronounced gashira. The head of certain groups, i.e. the yakuza, is also referred to as kashira.
Now back to the nawajiri. When tying you will constantly be dealing with the "working" end of the rope. If treated wisely you will be able to have a constant dialog with your rope partner.
One-rope Play / Ipponnawa Yuugi / 一本縄遊戯
The Curriculum
4 hours+
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